The most important event in your life in the last two years happened last week. But first let me talk about something completely different; the Mona Lisa person. A "Mona Lisa person" can be summed up as "a person who put simplicity and conceit in the highest position and who in all situations chooses to close their eyes to the facts in order to instead interpret the world through a window of values characterized by naivety and imbecility".
1.) "You do know that the USA and the CIA, in accordance with the so-called Monroe Doctrine, are behind a large number of coup d'états and political upheavals in the Latin American countries?"
Mona Lisa person: "No, but dear hearts. I don't think the Americans would want to influence the politics of other countries! They are democrats! Besides, they are the world's first democracy! The Americans wouldn't want to get involved in what's going on in Latin America! No, something so strange would never happen!"
2.) "You do know that during the ``Cold War'' Sweden cooperated intensively with the United States and the other Western powers and, among other things, carried out secret air surveillance of the Soviet Union? And that the state lied about it to the citizens?"
Mona Lisa person: "No, but I can never believe that! Our honorable Prime Minister Olof Palme would never have lied or withheld such important events from the Swedish people! Look, this is the worst kind of slander I've ever heard! "
3.) "You do know that the terrorists in the so-called `Caliphate' in Syria beheaded prisoners, raped women, and sold children as slaves while being financed by the CIA?"
Mona Lisa person: "No, but... Look! I can't believe that! Why would any human do something so horrible to another human? This sounds like clueless speculation from some sensationalist journalist and anti-US activist!"
They see themself as "enlightened persons". She or he follows what is said in the MSM. He or she is not ignorant of the world. But what separates a Mona Lisa person from an enlightened citizen is that the Mona Lisa person chooses to assimilate only information that is "consensual" and that the "majority" or "majority of the people" has already agreed upon. A Mona Lisa person is, in this sense, a very cowardly and unselfish person and thus becomes a representative of "the collective opinion" in every single matter.
But there is something more that distinguishes the Mona Lisa person.
The Mona Lisa human is distinguished by his exceptional superstition in the "inherent goodness of man". And when he or she is confronted with objective facts that show the complete opposite, then he or she responds with a resigned face and says that "well, then I can not understand how such things can happen". And because the Mona Lisa person does not believe in the human capacity for evil, the Mona Lisa person also chooses not to speak of evil, or even to pretend that it exists in human form. In the world of the Mona Lisa's , all men are good. And all people do good things to each other. For anything else the Mona Lisa's cannot understand.
So why call them Mona Lisa's? Well, the Nazis in the Third Reich stole art from both citizens and states in Europe. The artworks were taken to Germany and hidden in underground warehouses. Among other things, the famous French work of art "Mona Lisa", which was painted at the beginning of the 16th century by Leonardo da Vinci, was stolen. A problem arose when, after the Second World War, the works of art were to be returned to their rightful owners. Some of the oil paintings, for example, were cut out of their frames and were lying in large bundles together with a number of other oil paintings.
"How do you know it's the same piece of art?"
"Imagine if the Nazis have forged the originals and made highly skilled copies. What do we do then?"
A French art expert solved the problem:
"If the French state hangs the Mona Lisa in its rightful place in the Louvre, then every decent Frenchman will see it as his patriotic duty to claim that the Mona Lisa has returned. And that everything else is a lie. It doesn't matter if the original or the copy hangs in place."
Hence the expression "Mona Lisa man". A patriotic citizen who foolishly believes everything the state - or the authorities - tell him or her to believe. Because he or she is good and in the depths of his heart believes in the inherent goodness of man.
For my part, I think the probability is very low that the Nazis could have forged famous works of art with any greater measure of credibility. If they even had time for this. And if they had even had a chance to put resources into this. In this sense, the story of the "Mona Lisa people" - and of the alleged "fake works of art" - functions only as appendages to corresponding discussions of postmodernity and Western self-understanding in an existence without either imagined Devil or actual Truth. But as an educational tool, I think the story of the "Mona Lisa people" holds its own. So with that perspective I will apply the story all the way forward.
And now back to the beginning of this post, the important revelation. The corona pandemic story developed. Today we know the following: Anthony Fauci at the NIH/NIA in the USA commissioned a scientific investigation of the American pharmaceutical company Moderna a number of years ago.
The survey would consist of two parts:
a.) Modern would research the famous coronavirus, create various hybrids (crosses) of it, and apply modern genetic methods (such as "gain-of-function"; i.e. inserting genetic sequences from humans and animals to tailor the virus to behave in a certain way.
(Eg to get better at attacking people.)
b.) Moderna would also develop a vaccine against the coronavirus, which could be used in the event that one of Moderna's own chimeras got loose in town, or that some coronavirus mutated in the wild and spread to humans.
You could say that Anthony Fauci "hedged his bet". He ordered - so to speak - a new aircraft, but at the same time he also ordered a new anti-aircraft gun, which could shoot down the new aircraft, if it got a little too dangerous.
When the new coronavirus began to spread in China in January of 2020, Anthony Fauci, his staff and his associates panicked. They were completely convinced that it was their own "new modern coronavirus" that had hit the town.
All internal checks conducted by Fauci and his staff pointed to the new coronavirus being man-made.
"This new coronavirus does not look like a virus that comes from nature." said the top experts of the US health agency.
Panic: that's probably how Anthony Fauci and his staff at the US health agency thought.
Now the counter-project of "spinning the ball in the other direction" began to take shape.
All people who received research grants from the US health agency were ordered to go out in the media and say that "the new coronavirus probably comes from nature".
A myth was invented "about a bat that met a pangolin". I bought into this myth myself, and reported it here on this blog.
If you don't want to tell the truth to anyone, then you can keep quiet, right? The problem was that the US health agency had to think something. They were forced to say something. They were, to the rascal, a health authority, weren't they? But they couldn't tell the truth (or what they strongly suspected was the truth): "Uh oh, it was, like... We... But we apologize for this and hope that the American people - and the rest of the world - forgive us for what we've done... And we want all the people who will die of this new disease see themselves as brave soldiers in the service of the American pharmaceutical industry... They have died for a good cause!”
Anthony Fauci - and the other conspirators - therefore felt forced to create an alternative to the truth. A cover story. Because they neither could nor wanted to tell the truth. So that's where the "bat-and-pangolin" came into play. That robber story was published and spread after a couple of weeks - and without any research team in the world having had time to do any serious research on the new coronavirus. The "bat-and-pangolin" belongs in the same realm of American government lies as the "Saddam Hussein nuclear weapons" story, which justified the Bush regime's internationally illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Now another problem arose. "If a completely new coronavirus has emerged - which no one in the world has heard of before, which means it should have arisen naturally, lol - then how do we explain the fact that we have a ready-made vaccine against the coronavirus, despite that it takes about 3 to 10 years to develop such a thing?"
It would have been a simple matter to give Moderna's finished vaccine a global trade monopoly and then let every pharmaceutical company in the world produce Moderna's vaccine as a franchise operation. Right? The problem with that solution is that it would have been a little - well - suspect. Especially if it is claimed at the same time that the coronavirus originated in the meeting between a bat and a pangolin a couple of weeks or months before. The solution was to give some government grants to various pharmaceutical companies "to help them quickly produce a vaccine" while at the same time letting Pfizer copy Moderna's vaccine recipe in order to quickly create a similar copy.
Now we suddenly had two large American pharmaceutical companies that had both created their respective vaccines in no time and with similar methods - using new technology. Smart, huh? Now no one would understand that the corona vaccine was ready in the drawer right from the start!
But now another problem was discovered.
The damned, vile, stupid pig capitalists at Moderna had - of course - gone to the US Patent Office and registered their corona vaccine. And that was already in 2017.
Okay. We have a problem.
"A vaccine was patented in the US in 2017 against a virus that emerged in China in 2019." But this is not a problem. Not really. There is always a theoretical possibility that I hit two sixes with two dice something like 100 billion times in a row. In the same way, one can imagine that someone patented genetic sequences in a perfect mathematical order several years before these genetic sequences had arisen naturally in nature. Every time a hen lays an egg, it can hatch into a human. Mathematically, there is a theoretical possibility that the hen's egg mutates in such a perfect way that it recreates the entire human genome. The possibility exists. Although the probability is low.
We are all Mona Lisa people. The world is full of them.
"If we don't say anything, then nobody will understand."
Pfizer wrote several letters to Moderna in which they discussed how to resolve the situation.
"Can we get a franchise?"
"Can we get permission to infringe on your patent due to the global emergency?"
"We at Pfizer don't want to have problems afterwards, if we now copy the vaccine that you already registered in 2017?"
"Everyone will understand that our variant of your vaccine is in fact the same vaccine as yours and that your vaccine has been around since 2017. When you created the new coronavirus."
"How do we solve this?"
The modern ones were as quiet as a stone wall. They did not respond to any questions from Pfizer. Best strategy in this situation was to "wait and see". So Moderna did it. They kept quiet.
And Pfizer went ahead with their vaccine - which meant they in turn knowingly infringed on Moderna's 2017 vaccine - which contained the genetic sequences from the 2019 novel coronavirus."
Do you follow?
And if a coronavirus that arose in the meeting between a bat and a pangolin in the fall of 2019 had its genetic sequences registered and patented by Moderna in 2017, then the Americans have invented a time machine.
Or someone in a senior position at Moderna has deliberately or accidentally released an artificial coronavirus into human society. Or the new coronavirus has escaped from the laboratory in another way.
We note that it is easier to release an artificial coronavirus from a laboratory than it is to build a time machine. So Occamian logic speaks against the idea of a time machine.
Let's speculate and go through what are not facts, but are possible scenarios.
- Moderna has somehow manufactured a new coronavirus that somehow spread from their laboratories in the USA.
- The Chinese state - or a Chinese company - has manufactured a new coronavirus, which somehow spread from their laboratories in Wuhan.
- Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak conducted research in Wuhan together with Chinese experts on coronavirus. Among other things, they looked at "military applications" of various viruses.
So one can - speculatively - imagine that "the Wuhang Gang" copied Moderna's (civilian) research project and created their own (military) research project. Then this "military coronavirus" has somehow spread from their laboratories in the USA or in Wuhan.
In such a situation, there should be some minor differences between Moderna's coronavirus and the Wuhan gang's coronavirus. And despite this checkpoint describing one of the most important issues in the entire pandemic, no research is being conducted in this area.
Because it is the Americans who hold both balls. And if the Americans don't juggle them, no one else can either. One can also imagine that something completely different has happened. Everything may be possible, but not everything is equally likely.
There is a funny grunt in this. Ralph Baric is co-owner of the American patent that allows a researcher to take a number of different virus lines and merge them into a new hybrid, without anyone being able to see any signs afterwards that the new hybrid was created by humans. We can call this technical method the "Baric method". Many journalists in the world have in the last two years written a large number of articles in which they argued for a natural origin of the new coronavirus, citing that "there is nothing to indicate that the coronavirus was created by humans, because the genetic sequences are not contains some typical imprints of human influence". But how many journalists have asked the question "is it possible to create a new chimaera - a new hybrid - of the coronavirus using the invisibility Baric method?"
Why have no journalists asked this question?
Presumably it is because they do not know that there is already a patent that settles the matter.
And if they did ask the question, they would probably get the answer that "it's easy to do, and anyone can do it, and if you ignore the patent and its rights holders, then you don't even need to ask an outside person for permission to do that".
So anyone - with sufficient biological knowledge and with a sufficiently advanced laboratory - can create a new coronavirus similar to the one that emerged (latest) in the fall of 2019, and whoever does it can also with the help of the patented "Baric method" hide that the virus is man-made.
We have - in the Western world - betrayed our own historical and cultural origins. It was in 18th-century Europe that faith in Science and Man shined strongest. And it was during the 19th century that these thoughts were translated into action, which brought about enormous technological advances during the era of industrialism.
What has happened since then is that we have stopped living as we taught, and instead started to learn as we live. And we are not living the right way. Today's research is centralized and collectivized. But it is ruled less and less by states, and more and more often by companies, which behave as if they were states. Here - somewhere - the truth comes into play. We knew that states could lie, when it was in the state's interest. But we have only slowly begun to understand and learn the monstrous lies that companies can create and push.
We are all lapdogs to global corporations. Perhaps the question is "should it be so?"
Are the global corporations better leaders than crazy dictators?
Should we replace political democracy with an expert rule - a bureaucracy - where the so-called the experts are employed and paid by different global companies? Do you dare to put the lives of your family members in the hands of a traffic expert from the automotive industry? An environmental expert from the oil industry? A vaccine expert from the pharmaceutical industry?
If an environmental expert from the coal industry advises us to "increase global emissions of carbon dioxide, because it leads to the opposite effect, which cools the earth" - how do we demand responsibility, if the advice is wrong? How do we collect e.g. responsibility, if someone cares more about what money he or she will make in the next 12 to 24 months, than what happens to the world in the next 25 years? At the moment, all signals point to the new coronavirus having its origins in American pharmaceutical research that has gotten out of hand. Maybe the signals are wrong. Maybe they are real.
"They let go of the leash and the dog ran off and bit half of the village's population to death. It was unexpected, but it was still nothing that any normal dog owner could have predicted."
The question of how - and why? - the coronavirus emerged and spread in the world should be the subject of serious research. Now it is not like that.
Instead, Anthony Fauci and the American health authority order specially adapted scientific reports which aim to prove that "the coronavirus arose naturally and spread from Wuhan to the rest of the world". The two latest - customer-designed - research reports were published a couple of weeks ago in scientific magazines. But a research that is designed in advance by the client - and whose purpose is to arrive at predetermined results - it is not seriously conducted research in accordance with the Western tradition. Such "research" is inherently unscientific, and belongs in dictatorships like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Will the company most likely responsible for this global pandemic tell the truth one day?
And surely it's funny that Moderna is now suing Pfizer for patent infringement? It makes the whole story come to the surface. But now that the corona story is over, Moderna wants money from Pfizer.
"A patent infringement is a patent infringement."
Of course.
I've been waiting for this litigation for just over 18 months. I never thought it would come. But one should - clearly - never underestimate greedy people's pursuit of an existence as perfect greedy people.